# User's Manual

Pokéctiveness2 is a web application that examines enemy pokémon's weaknesses to win the battle. You can find the enemy's weaknesses and double weakness to advance the battle advantageously.

You can use it on your smartphone without installing it, and if you register it on the Home screen, you can start it up and use it just like a normal application.

# Examine Pokemon's weaknesses

Weaknesses can be found with the opponent's name or species

# Find by name

Selecting "Name", first of all please select the first letter of the other party's name from here.

A list of candidates will be displayed, so select the Pokemon you want to check for weaknesses

You will see the Pokemon's race and the type of move that will be the weakness of that race.

If you touch the displayed race or move, More information will be displayed.

# Double weakness

Pokemon who has two types of race may have a move type of common weakness against both races. This type of move is called double weakness. For example, in the case of Garados, the electric move contained in both the WATER and FLYING, so the electric move is a double weakness

Attacks with double weakness move are more powerful than attacks with normal weaknesses. Finding the opponent's double weakness is the key to advancing the battle

# Find by race

First of all, please touch "Type", then select from the list.

You will see effective and not effective move types for that race.
A list will be displayed when you select "Types", so you can select another race to examine.
You can also touch "This types", a list of the corresponding Pokemon will be displayed, so you can check More Info

# side menu

The display of the three lines at the top left of the application is a menu called "Hamburger Menu" from that shape, and when touched, displays the "Side Menu" which is normally hidden

The side menu contains the following items -QR code: QR code of Pokéctiveness2 -HOME: Return Pokéctiveness2 to the first screen -How to use: Display this document

# Register this app on your smartphone home screen

If you add the Pokéctiveness2 icon to the smartphone's home screen, you can launch and use it with just one click like a normal application.

# For iOS

From the menu at the bottom of the screen, tap the square icon which the arrow points from.

From the bottom of the dialog that appeared, tap the Add to Home screen icon.
Tap Add on the upper right corner of the screen.
The Pokéctiveness2 icon is added to the home screen

# For Android

Tap the menu key on the device or the menu button (three vertical points) in the upper right corner of the screen

Tap Add to Home Screen from the menu that appeared.
Tap Add on the bottom right of the dialog
The Pokéctiveness2 icon is added to the home screen

# Tell this to a friend

There are two ways to share Pokéctiveness2 with your friends:

# 1. Share the URL

The URL of Pokéctiveness2 is here https: //pokectiveness2.netlify.com

# 2. I will show you the QR code on the spot

By tapping the hamburger menu, you can display the QR code of Pokéctiveness2 on the screen at the top of the side menu and have it read by your friend's QR code reader.

# Forum

Forum is available at hire (opens new window)
Q&A, Issue Report, and Feature Request are prepared, and please make a new topic as you like.

# Acknowledgments

Pokéctiveness2 uses the following services, open-source libraries and resources. I will introduce you while giving gratitude for this